A New Humanity

The fall of humanity has occasioned multitude of consequences that are sometimes mistaken for the work of evil. Adam and Eve died spiritually when they disobeyed God (Genesis 2:17). Their spiritual death (separation from God) has brought myriads of other spiritual conditions that have handicapped their harmony and relationship with God.

The Bible says that when they committed sin, they began to feel uncomfortable and had to find mechanisms that allowed them to cope with their spiritual death.

Hiding from the presence of God was the beginning of their misery. It is unbelievable that Adam and Eve would think they could hide from the Ominpresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent God. Not only did Adam try to hide, he also starterd arguing and blaming God for their fallen condition. Their knowledge of the essence of God became tainted and distorted as they allowed sin into their existence.

The intrusion of sin had changed the atmosphere as a result, the once peaceful Garden became a place of strivings, struggles, hopelessness, and helplessness. Allowing Satan to draw them in a path of denial, Adam and Eve had lost the knowledge of God.

Fear opens doors to other ills. Adam and Eve became anxious and fearful. They were insecure and afraid of everything. Anxiety and fear engendered depression and disillusion. Shame and guilt also became obvious in their lives (Genesis 2:25). It was the first time they realized that they were naked and they needed to cover up. Their already long list of fear, shame, and guilt was increased by their manipulation of the truth.

In the Garden of Eden, they enjoyed fellowship with God. After the fall, they lost that communion and the sense of belonging to God. They felt worthless, weak, and helpless. Their children followed their paths and so did the entire humanity.

The Bible clearly states that the devil comes to destroy, to steal, and kill, and rule the world. We also read that the devil cannot destroy whoever is controlled by the Spirit of the living God. They belong to God. If a believer does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. In other words, God’s dwelling in us produces in us not only a revival in our spirit but also ushers us in a new humanity.




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