Romans 6


I come before You and from my heart I am truly confess all my sins. I ask that You forgive me for the many times I have sinned against You. As Your child, I thank You that I am dead to sin, but alive to You, Oh God! Thank You, Christ Jesus for dying on the cross for me, so my body of sin might be done away with, and that I am no longer a slave to sin. I can now walk in newness of life! I am alive to You, Oh God in Christ Jesus. May I present myself to You as alive from the dead, and my body as a instrument of righteousness to You. Father, I ask that You not allow sin to rule over my life. Thank You, God for making me obedient from my heart.  May I present my body as a slave to righteousness. Praise You, God for the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus!


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