Taking Our Thoughts Captive

Taking Our Thoughts Captive

1)      When we have a bad thought, thank and praise God.

2)      Focus and give thanks, through the bad and the good.

3)      Realize and let God affirm our value.

4)      God has a plan for us.

5)      Humble ourselves and allow God to continue to change us into His image.

6)      Do not be decieved by the lies of the evil one.

8)      Jesus understands what I am going through.

9)      Jesus knows how we feel.

10)   Be patient and wait on God.

11)   Follow God’s will for our lives.

12)  God’s grace is sufficient for us to endure this trial.

13)   Because of our trials, we will be able to understand and help others through the same situation.

14)  God will make things right.

15)  We need to wait on God.

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