A Prideful Heart

Pride keeps us going for years. It is the focus of our fleshly goals. Instead of relying on God, pride guides us in the flesh. A heart full of pride is a horrible way to live. Pride may be a motivator, but in the end pride leads to destruction.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling” (Prov.16:18).

Pride keeps us from getting the help we need. Pride keeps us locked up with excuses. We are fine we say. We do not need help. We are okay. We have it all together. We have everything we need.  We have a wonderful spouse and good children. We have a nice house. We may even be Christians. We may even serve and give to the church. What else do we need?

We need a way to release the hurts, disappointments, and guilt. When you are ready, you need to get rid of the weight that lays heavy on your shoulders that you have carried around for years. Heaviness burdens our souls, heart, and mind. You may never realize how much weight you are carrying around. It is not until you seek biblical counseling for those deep, dark hurts that you will be relieved from all your excess baggage.

With guidance, God will break down those heavy cumbersome weights. You will be free from your troubled past. God will began to humble you in various ways. God then will take complete control over your life and transform you from the inside out. He will then deliver you from a prideful heart. God will break down the pride that hides the deep wounds of  tremendous hurt.

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