Walking in Faith

Walking in faith is way of living and trusting in the unfailing word and promises of God. Christians do not go by what they see, but they move by what is true. There will be times when even their very life becomes a contradiction of what they believe. There will come moments when they will not feel the conscious presence of God around them. Philippians 4:13 says they can do all things through Christ who gives them strength. When worries of life settle in, we as believers need to remind ourselves that God will take care of all our needs according to His riches in glory.

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Obeying God

We learn from Deuteronomy 1-8, that God is faithful to His people. God was always there despite the Israelites disobedience. He never gave up on them and continued to direct their course. God love them and was with them, even when they were disobedient.

As believers, we sometimes compromise our relationship with God. We sometimes trust in ourselves, instead of God like the Israelites did. We find ourselves wandering like the Israelites found themselves, when they disobeyed. If we would obey God, He loves us enough to guide us through the wilderness.

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Qualities of a True Leader


Intergrity – Psalms 15:2; Psalms 26:2; Proverbs 11:3.

Humility – Proverbs 15:33; Philippians 2:3; 1 Peter 5:5.

Servanthood – Mark 10:43-45.

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Unfailing Strength

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What is Adultery?

Adultery is being sexually involved with someone outside of the bonds of marriage. It is a sin that separates a Christian from God. Adultery hardens an unrepentant heart.


Step One: Confession Frees a Person from Misery

We can learn a lot from David’s example in the Bible about confessing sin to God and one another. David committed adultery with Bathsheba (1 Samuel 11:1-27). David was depressed before he confessed his sin of adultery (Ps. 32:3-5). A cloud of shame and guilt hung over David, because he did not confess his sin. David confessed his adultery and God forgave him. David received great joy when he received forgiveness.

Confession is the first step of healing in a relationship. Disharmony drains a person’s energy and distracts them from practicing other things that foster spiritual vitality. If a person refuses to deal with the problem, it will not go away; it will simply go underground and fester. Without confession there is no freedom. Confession leads to healing. Proverbs 28:13 says, “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” It is important to honestly assess mistakes, confess wrongs to one another and to God, and strive to avoid such mistakes in the future. 

Step Two: Be Thankful and Recall God’s Mercy

Be thankful even in the mist of difficult situations. Allow God to replace bad memories with positive memories of the future. “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ” (I Thess. 5:16-18).

Remember the wrongs you have committed in your life. Thank God for His grace and forgiveness for the things you have done in your life.  “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Col. 3:13).

Step Three: Deal and Work through The Past

Face your painful memories and put them at the foot of Jesus. Read Philippines 4:8 every day. Dwell on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, whatever is excellent or worthy of praise, think on these things.

Step Four: Do Not Harbor Bitterness

Harbor against bitterness. Hebrews 12:14,15 reads, “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Always love those who are wayward. How a trial is handled will be the key to victory-not only for the one who was hurt, but for everyone involved.  

Step Five: Remember God’s Character

Focus on these passages:

The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love (Psalms 147:11).

A faithful God who does not wrong, upright and just is he (Deut. 32:4).

God turns evil into good.

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done (Gen. 50:20).

Step Six: Forgive

To forgive – follow these steps: (1) give rather than receive; (2) think about what lies ahead; (3) repeat scripture; (4) give the situation to God; (4) pray for those who have hurt you; (5) do not bring up the offense again; and (6) express God’s grace and mercy.

Remember the entire good God has done through the pain, and then victory will come. God’s grace will enable you to forgive until the need to forgive is forgotten.

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Alzheimer’s and It’s Effect

Description of Alzheimer and It’s Effects

Alzheimer is a fatal brain disease. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician, described it in 1906. According to Alzheimer’s Association, “As many as 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Today it is the seventh –leading cause of death in the United States.”  It causes memory, thinking, and behavior problems that interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s destroys brain cells and gets worse over time. Currently, there is no cure.


Step One: Care

People with Alzheimer’s need to know someone cares for them. Have a willing heart and helping hands. Show them through words that they are cared for. Tell them how special they are. Tell them again and again and again. Listen patiently to what they say.  Philippians 2:4 says, “Do not think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing.”

Step Two: Develop Trust

It is necessary to build trust with an Alzheimer’s patient. Developing trust with an Alzheimer’s patient builds an open and lasting friendship. Build trust by encouraging them. Always show that you care about them.

Step Two: Continue the Friendship

Develop a relationship with them. Share stories with them. Ask questions about their life, experiences, and feelings.

Limit visits in the beginning to twenty or thirty minutes. Laugh together. Tell funny stories about daily experiences. Look for things that are hard for them to do and do it for them. Share Christ with them if they do not know the Lord.

Step Three: Moving Arrangements

Honor their desire to remain at home unless it becomes absolutely necessary to make other arrangements.

Remember: The elderly are weak. The young are strong. Show love and patience to them. Show consideration for others (Rom.15:1).

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Fellowship draws us together in unity in Christ. The Greek word for fellowship is – koin which means to share something with someone. Fellowship draws people together in unity with Christ. Jesus is our example of fellowship. We can create an environment where people can get to know each other better, feel cared for, and have accountability and encouragement. 

Fellowship brings people together. Fellowship is one of the churches eternal purposes. We can teach, model, and encourage fellowship. We can use tools available to create fellowship. We can also use our knowledge and creativity to minister to others.

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Today’s Youth

Today’s youth live an entirely different world then past generations. They mature faster; learn faster, everything they do is faster. Families of today’s youth are changing. All of us can be a light of hope to the lost generation of youth.

Ever changing in a youth’s life is the knowledge of sex and participation in it. Media is everywhere. Almost all teenagers have access to the internet. They are knowledgeable in technical issues. Anger and violence is ever present in the lives of teens and their families. Teen violence can be seen everywhere. Most teens learn to deal with problems the wrong way.

We have a great opportunity to be a light in the darkness. You can help teens see the root of their problems, by showing them the love of God through Scripture, your actions, and teaching them. Take time to get to know each teen on a personal basis. Most importantly, model Jesus and show them the love of God.

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Witnessing Journal

Witnessing to the lost is a blessing in disguise. It brings glory to God and saves one more lost soul. Sharing the gospel is not about the way that I feel after leading someone to Christ, but it is something that is expected of me by God. Not only is it commanded by God in the Scriptures, it is a Christian’s responsibility.

What Happened

As my responsibility, I witnessed to three people in order to win them to Christ. The first two opportunities I had was when I went to a youth detention center. The first person was an 18 year old gentleman whom was bigger than I. I was a little afraid at first and was intimidated by his size. He was someone, I must admit, I would normally not talk to(unless I knew him well). But the Holy Spirit led me to this particular hurting person.

“But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

As I approached this young man, he looked sad. After introducing myself, he told me his story of how he ended up in the detention center. A life full of heartache tormented his soul. But, as I begin to share the gospel message, you could see his heart opened to all that Christ did and who He is. He did not hesitate wanting to receive Christ as his personal Savior. After a simple prayer was said; he accepted Christ as Lord of His life. You could see a dynamic change on his face, which I will never forget.

The second person I had an opportunity to witness to was a young lady who was fourteen years old. She mostly shared her concern about her family. But, I was more concerned for her soul. Somehow, I ended up proclaiming the gospel to her and invited her to receive Christ. She accepted the offer and received Christ that day.

The third person was my friend’s teenage daughter. I can still remember before she was born. I had gone to visit my friend, who is not a Christian, in hopes to turn her to God. I did not get a chance to lead her to Christ; instead I got to plant seeds. While I was there, God had turned my focus from my friend, to her daughter. It seemed so easy to share the gospel to this young girl. Spending a week with my friend and her daughter was a blessing for me to get to know them better. I told the precious young girl who Jesus is and what He did for all of us. She was eager to accept Christ and did just that. I had the opportunity again to see her “born again.”

What Difficulties I Faced

Fear is definitely the biggest challenge when it comes to sharing the gospel. Fear keeps us from sharing the gospel. It will hinder and destroy our witness. It is always important to remember where fear comes from, to confess it before God, and trust the Holy Spirit to help us.

“For God does not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Tim. 1:7).”

I don’t remember what all I said or how I exactly led each person to Christ. We can be fearful, that we don’t say the right things. Every time I have led someone to Christ or done what God had wanted me to do, He gave me everything I needed to say and a sense of peace about what I was doing. Even though, fear is still a challenge for us, I press on towards the goal of Christ.

What I Would Have Done Differently

There is one thing I know that I would not do again. I told the first person I had shared the gospel with that after receiving Christ into their hearts, things would be better. I emphasized this too much. I longed for this person to be happy, instead of sad. I let my emotions get in the way of the truth. For when we are Christians, we are not exempt from trials and tribulations. Nor, are we exempt from evil. In fact, we endure many hardships, usually so God can teach us something to make us more like Christ. Christians’ are persecuted for their faith every day.


Following the evangelist Philip’s example teaches Christians’ that God will lead us to people whom we can share the gospel with. Philip was lead to meet an influential traveler who had come to Jerusalem to worship and was returning to his native land. When Philip came upon him, he was “reading aloud from the book of the prophet Isaiah. The Holy Spirit said to Philip to go over and walk along beside the carriage with him. Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah. Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The man replied, “How can I when there is no one to instruct me?’ … So Philip began with this same Scripture and then used many others to tell him the Good News about Jesus” (Acts 8: 28-31 35).  Philip’s example of how he communicated the gospel is a model for Christians’ to follow. Philip allowed God to lead him to someone who was ready to receive Christ. Philip listened to the man’s needs and interests and showed him how Christ could fulfill them. The man received Christ, was baptized, and went home a changed man.

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The Charming Good Person

Behind the entire “charming good person” character there is another side, a dark side that is well hidden by none other than the person themselves. In private, there is a deep secret hidden away. Hidden sin is growing sin. Down deep you may know you are guilty. Filled with the ugly sins of pride, fear, anger, and guilt. Sin will make you do anything to make yourself look good. A polished image is what other people see in public, but it is all a fake. Everything has to be perfect in your eyes. You must be perfect at everything. God knows no one is perfect. Perfection – pride? Why listen to all the lies?  Dig a little deeper. Look closer and you will find the answer.

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